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Kashmir, Jugular vein of Pakistan

In 1947 during the separation my grandfather, his family migrated to Pakistan from Jammu and Kashmir. In my childhood I heard various stories of Kashmir, people, culture, living style and beauty of Kashmir. I still remember my Grandfather told us” in 1947 the valley and rivers were turned into blood, roads and bus tires were red, dead bodies everywhere, calamitous attack by Indians and horrified screaming of people. Those scene feels like the day of judgment. I left home and climbed the bus, while hanging the bus window for 4 hours I reached Pakistan and then dreamed my whole life to get back. I was just 15” In JK my grandfather possessed shops, farm house, animals and a good agriculture business, surprisingly my father still owns the property papers but will the dream come true? the future will tell us. Since 1947 three wars between two nuclear powers and unfigured violations with Kashmiris materialized. Pakistan and India assiduously fought for Kashmir due to its geographic location, glory, fresh water, glaciers, and according to some books Kashmir is comparatively beautiful than Switzerland. 

Kashmir is divided in two parts: Azad Kashmir and Jammu Kashmir, the most strategic place in the world where three powerful and nuclear counties collide. India, Pakistan and china. During the separation Kashmir remained undecided. The majority was Muslims living in Kashmir but was ruled by Hari Singh Hindu monarch. Singh signified himself neutral besides willing to join India and Kashmiris were keen to join Pakistan. Singh demanded help from Indian Military and in return was Kashmir. This sparked the first India and Pakistan war in 1949, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) requested both countries to mark Line, Line of Control (LOC) on both sides and let the Kashmiris decide their future. Pakistan argued Kashmir has majority of Muslims, while India insisted Kashmir was handed over to India by Hari Singh. The both countries added this picture in their constitution, haplessly no referendum was held, justifying what actually Kashmiris want and demand, either joining Pakistan, India or Independent. Moreover, the war was not ended yet, both armies kept on bombing from LOC and Kashmiris were deleteriously affected. The causalities never stopped and soon In, 1965 second war spread out between the enemies. Uncounted innocents were killed on both sides of LOC but nothing was gained and Kashmir left occupied by Indian armed forces. This formed various jihadi groups which fought for independency of Kashmir, every other day protests and conflicts occurred between Indian army and jihadis but still the issue is unsolved. Just after 1965 war another war flashed in 1971, in which Pakistan lost west Pakistan. Which is knows as Bangladesh know. Soon after the war ended both countries on July 2, 1972 reached an agreement. Main clauses of Simla Agreement were:

Both countries would put an end to conflict and confrontation and would work for promotion of friendly relations and peace. They agreed to follow United Nations Charter to govern their relations and affirmed to respect each other’s national unity, political independence and territorial integrity.

Both Governments agreed to avert hostile propaganda against each other.

For the restoration of normal relations both the governments agreed to resume communications and promote travel facilities. Both agreed for cooperation in economic and cultural activities.

Both agreed to respect the line of control between Jammu and Kashmir resulting from the ceasefire of December 17, 1971.

The withdrawal of forces of both countries would come into effect within the 30 days of agreement’s enforcement.

Almost 50 years, the ceaseless issue pops-up up again. August 5th 2019 Narender Modi flouts the Shimla agreement, moreover Indian parliament revoked their constitution and edged Article 35A and 370. Which means Indian occupied Kashmir will be part of India, any Indians can legally buy property in Kashmir, etc. This created a chaos not only in Kashmir but also in Pakistan. Quaid E Azam said “Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and no nation can allow its jugular vein to be held by the enemy”. The deranged mind and deplorable state devised curfew in Kashmir and astounding killing, cruel cutthroat, genocide, shelling, and every weapon is being used which violates human rights. But the question rises? Can Modi freeze eight million voices, will he kill them or will they end up in prison? History is a key tool to learn before taking a massive step, US failed in Afghanistan, Soviet Union, Iran etc, various example exists in this world, but it’s hard for Modi to understand. Since day 1 Prime Minister Imran Khan endeavoured to have dialogue with India but every time he got a defamatory response from Indian PM and Indian Media. In recent speech PM said “we will stand with Kashmiris till last breath, either the world is with them or not but we are with Kashmiris and will provide them justice. I will visit the world as an ambassador of Kashmir and will rise this issue on every platform. I request the nation to come out for protests every week from 12 to 12:30”. The PM Imran Khan recently discussed the issue with heads of states epically with US president Donald Trump, the president was happy to help both counties to resolve the issue but India denied. Recently Donald Trump met Modi in G7 summit France. Where Modi agrees to have dialogue with Pakistan to resolve the issue. Modi was un answerable to Trump.  

There is no doubt that Indian economy is growing rapidly, Indian economy, HDI and GDP. Inflation decreased, unemployment figure pulls downs, according to statistics India took out 2.5 million people from poverty circle, the country is rapidly growing in i.t sector and plenty of opportunities for international businesses. IMF predicts India will be the second largest economy in 2040. This attraction is motivating Arabs and European countries to imbibe massive investment in India, that’s a huge reason why Muslim countries e.g. UAE are supporting India and granting him with highest civil ranked award. In fact, world has more interests and concerns with India rather than Pakistan, that’s why PM Imran Khan also said “Kashmiris have to fight their war on their own “. Furthermore, India keens to occupy Kashmir because of its Himalayas, glaciers, geographic location, tourism, beauty, clean water and much electricity can be produced which can serve millions of people. Currently India bounds Jammu, the Kashmir valley and Siachen Glacier. The situation is exacerbating every day. After 50 years the voices of Kashmiris are heard in United Nations.

Ahmad Razzaq

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